Thursday, 28 November 2013

Failed Backgraound Jobs

                                 Reasons for Background Jobs Cancellaton:

1. User Id/Password mismatch or other authorization issues.
2. User is Locked (who defined the background job).
3. Variant issues due to program change, variant deletion/modification.
4. File input/output error (Program is not able to find required file or not able to process the format).
5. Space Issues While connected to the backend system, connectivity issues, Ports Blockage.
6. Database issues - ora-1653/1654/ 1631/1632/255/272  etc..
7. Failure of Dependent Jobs.
8. Program is not allowed to run in background mode ( e.g. RSM10032)

JSPM: Java Support Package Manager

                              JSPM: Java Support Package Manager

JSPM is a widely used tool to apply support packages in Java stack or Dual stack SAP system. Now a days we use SUM (Software Upgrade Manager ) to update support packages or version upgrade.
Java Support package manager is consistent /stable/reliable tool used to deploy the patches. It works similar to SPAM/SAINT and reads from EPS/in. It is also used to deploy the kernel.
it is accessed by path usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/jspm/go.bat
It requires SDM password and  works only in the <SID>ADM environment.
Un-deployment function is not available in JSPM.(it handles the task of spam and saint)
It displays the source version and calculates the target version from EPS/in.
It is used to apply new usage types, support packages, add-ons, business packages, support stack update along with SAP Kernel. It is also possible to skip the packages that are in queue

Software Deployement Manager (SDM)

                                     SDM:(Software Deployment Manager)

Software Deployment Manager is a  tool widely used in WEBAS 640 and replaced by JSPM in Netweaver 7.0 and completely phased out in Netweaver 7.1.
It requires SDM password and port 50018 which runs based on JLaunch process.
it is accessed  by using  /usr/sap/SID/Instance/SDM/program/remotegui.bat in windows and in Linux operating contains its own startup menu, inbox, log etc.

it is used to deploy and undeploy the support packages, business packages, add-ons etc in Netweaver Java is used to deploy the patches to Java Engine, File System (j2ee/cluster/server/apps) and Database.It requires manual feed(frontend)unlike spam/saint/jspm which reads from EPS/in.
Due to its un-deployment feature it is discontinued from Netweaver 7.1. If a content is selected for un-deployment it does not check the dependencies and the functionality of the deployed content is lost.
it is necessary to redeploy the content which is un-deployed (probably with an older version).
Example: Visual Composer is updated from patch level 12 to 15,but 15 found to be not compatible, so it is un-deployed. un-deploy means the complete content of visual composer is un-deployed and visual composer no more works. So redeploy the visual composer with version 12 or higher version 18
The SPAM/SAINT are incremental and they could not be reverted where as the java patches are cumulative and replaces the content.The SDM deploys the files with extension *.sca,*.sda,*.war,*.ear etc.
sdm starts by reading the profile stores the information in sdmrepository.sdc and backup the file in predefined intervals
SDM contains SDM Logs, Documentation, temp directory(used during export and import).

Widely used Abbreviations in SAP

Abbreviation Full Form
SAP Systems Applications and Produts in data processing
BASIS Business Application Software Integrated Solution
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
CRM Customer Relationship Management
SRM Supplier Relationship Management
HCM Human Chain Management
SCM Supplier Chain Management
PLM Product Lifecycle Management
BI Business Intelegence
XI Exchange Infrastructure
PI Process Infrastructure
EP Enterprise Portal
MI Mobile Infrastructure
DI Development Infrastructure
MM Material Management
SD Sales and Distribution
FICO Finance and Controlling
ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming
SMD Solution Manager Diagnostic
DAA Diagnostic Agent
BAPI Business Application Programing Interface
ALE Application Link Enabling
RFC Remote Functional Call
NWDI Netweaver Development Infrastructure
STMS SAP Transport Management System
CTS Change Transport System
CMS Change Management System
DTR Design Time Repository
CBS Component Build Services
SLD System Landscape directory
J2SDK Java 2 Sofware Dovelopment Kit
CPIC Common Programming Interface for Communication
DIAG Dynamic Information Action Gateway
ICM Internet Communication Manager
SICF SAP Internet Communication Framework
ITS Internet Transaction Server
MMC Microsoft Management Console
SPAM Support Package Manager
SAINT SAP Add-on Installaton Tool

Default Ports used in SAP

If the instance no of SAP system is 00 then the ports no will be like this.
Here 3200 is the dispatcher port. In 3200 ( 32<instance no>, 32<00>). In JAVA System Port 50000 is
(5<instance no>00, 5<00>00 = 50000).
In ABAP system SAP uses  8<instance no>0.
Port No.         Used By

3200          Dispatcher Port
3300          Gateway Port
3600          Message Server Port
3900          Internal Message server Port
3901          Java Message Server Port
4800          Secured Gateway
8000          Http Port
8001          Https Port
50000        Java Http Por
50004        P4 Port
50008        Telnet Port
50018        SLD Port
3297          DAA Port (Diagnostic Agent)
3298          SMD Port
3299          Router Port
1527          Listner Port (Default Port)

Netweaver Tools

                                            Tools used in Netweaver 7.0

In Netweaver 7.0 we commony use following tools.

1. Templete Config Tool
2. Config Tool (Offline Tool)
3. Visual Admin Tool (Online Tool)
4. Integrated Log Viewer

Console based tool
5. Telnet Tool (Console base tool)
6. Jcmon

Software Deployment Tool
7. SDM (Software Deployment Manager)
8. JSPM ( Java Supportpack Manager)

Web Based Tool
9. NWA ( Netweaver Admin Tool)
10. SLD (System Landscape Directory)
11. Visual Composer
12. User Admin Tool

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

SAP System Copy Backup Restore Method

          SAP System copy with "Backup and Restore Method" on Oracle database.

Restore Using Offline Backup: (System Copy Using Offline Backup) :
Source System:
OS- Windows Server 2003-64Bit, 
SAP: ECC6.0 SR3, 
Database: Oracle 64-BIT,
Backup Tool: BRTOOLS.
Backup Type: offline_force
NOTE:- For Homogeneous System Copy OS, DB, SAP  Version and Patch Level should be same.
 Install  OS, Loopback Adapter, IP Address, Hostname,  JAVA, Set Environment Variables and Virtual Memory.
 Install DB & Required Patch
Start   sapinst
Install as Distributed System

                Navigate to Path

       After Global Host Preparation then Install Database Instanse
Stop in Import ABAP phase

  Restoring The System with sap backup
Goto sapbackup
Delete all Data from sapdata1,sapdata2,sapdata3,sapdata4, origlogA,origlogB,mirrorlogA,mirrorlogB

Then Open  file bekgwyyr.afd with notepad and replace Source SID wid Target SID
Then Rename file backDEN.log as 

   Edit the  init<SID>.sap file
Open with notepad

Save the File 
then Open cmd and restore backup using Backup ( Login as <sid>adm )

Enter c

       After This edit Control file
Rename as control.sql
Delete everything Before STARTUP NOMOUNT and after “;” then save it.
Now open CMD and navigate to control.sql path
 Once the database is restored login as adm<sid> and run 
       NOTE:- Delete control files in target Systems from origlogA,origlogB,sapdata1 (create folder cntrl in    origlogA)
       sqlplus /nolog
      connect /as sysdba 
      startup nomount (if the database is already mounted shutdown it using the shutdown command)
      run the following command
     @controlfile.sql (file name of the control file contains the CREATE CONTROLFILE statement)

Now change the ownership of database  by running following script
Copy ORADBUSR.SQL and Paste any where 

      Paste in sapbackup and navigate the cmd path there open cmd and run following command in SQL
                And provide the following inputs in sequence Schema, OS, Hostname, SID

Now Drop the users  of old database

 Now login as administrator (OS user) and install  

Click Cancel

NOTE:- After that if you are unable to login with ddic then login with sap* and change the password of DDIC user and Apply SLICENSE.

How to take Backup of SAP on Oracle Database

                       Step by step guide to take SAP backup on Oracle DB

OS- Windows Server 2003-64Bit
Database: Oracle 64-BIT
Backup Tool: BRTOOLS
Backup Type: offline_force
Note: Take The Offline Backup of Database and Take Backup of Controlfiles.
 Login as <SID>adm 
 Edit the “init<SID>.sap”  file stored in ‘/oracle/<SID>/102/database.
Open “” with notepad

Save “init.<SID>.sap” File. And close it
Now open cmd
Type Command
 Note:- To use BRTOOLS you should login with <SID>adm os user.

Select 1 for backup and you will see the following screen
Edit the Values of above screen
Select 2 for editing the Backup Device type
Press  “c” to continue

Press “c” to continue 


Now Backup is complicated with return code 0

[2] Now Take the backup of controlfile

Control file is generated in directory copy and paste in backup directory
Copy and paste in

Now Backup is completed We can Restore the system with this backup